Wine courses

Always learn to make good wine choices

Do you often find yourself in front of a shelf full of wines and have no idea what to look for? How do you make a choice and avoid choosing a wine you don’t like?

Cloud Wine makes the world of wine clear, accessible and understandable. Our wine courses offer wine lovers a unique method to make the right wine choices. Anywhere, anytime. Whether it’s a wine for ageing, a successful food pairing or an easy drinking quaffer. Treat yourself to more wine enjoyment through better wine choices. Treat yourself to Cloud Wine.

Cloud Wine wijncursussen wijnkeuze

About the wine courses

Cloud Wine teaches you how climate, grape varieties, winemaking techniques and the retail price affect how a wine tastes. Thanks to this practical wine knowledge you will soon be able to make good wine choices quickly and effectively. Wherever you are. For example, in a restaurant, a wine shop, the supermarket or on holiday when you pay a visit to the winegrower himself. Moreover, with a Cloud Wine course you will discover what your taste preference is, because a good wine is personal.

Cloud Wine offers multiple levels of wine courses. Choose the level that suits you or experience the full journey. Each higher level offers more depth and tools. At the end of the wine course we test your acquired skills by means of a (voluntary) exam. In addition, you will receive a free course book with lots of useful information so that the course evenings themselves offer plenty time for interaction, wine tasting, soaking up new knowledge and fun!

Wine course levels

Check out the Tickets page for course dates

Wine course Start

Level 1 – 69 euro

The ideal introductie to wine

✓ 1 session of 3 hours
✓ 8 quality wines

✓ how to taste wine
✓ your tasting preference
✓ understand well-known grape varieties

 Suitable for beginners

Wine course Beginner

Level 2 – 285 euro

A good overview of the world of wine

✓ 4 sessions of 2,5 hours
✓ 25 quality wines

Everything from level 1 plus:
✓ recognize wine aromas and countries
✓ taste influence of winemaking

  Suitable for beginners